Hi Everyone, 
I designed an HR admin dashboard to provide a comprehensive overview of key HR metrics and processes.
The HR admin dashboard I designed offers a comprehensive suite of features to enhance HR management efficiency. 
It provides real-time insights into key metrics such as total employees, new hires, and resignations, empowering HR professionals to make informed decisions about workforce dynamics. 
The attendance chart feature enables monitoring of attendance patterns to maintain productivity levels, while the employee working format section offers visibility into different work arrangements for improved workforce planning. 
Additionally, the employee status feature provides a holistic view of each employee's current status, facilitating communication and coordination efforts. Incorporating feedback.
The HR admin Job dashboard i designed  streamlines recruitment processes by providing real-time updates on open positions, recent applicants, interviews scheduled for the day, and categorized lists of accepted and rejected candidates. While it aims to enhance efficiency, it's crucial to consider factors such as user experience, data accuracy, system integration, and adaptability to evolving trends to ensure it effectively meets organizational needs and contributes to overall HR effectiveness
Thank you for reading to this point🫶🏾. If you have a project in mind. Kindly reach me out:
Email: oluwseunnifemi69@gmail.com
HR Admin Dashboard


HR Admin Dashboard
